# Android SDK

# Installation

The Android SDK will be available as an Android Archive (AAR) file that may be used as a dependency for an Android app module.


# Requirements

  • Android API level 23+
  • JDK 8+

Built using:

  • Gradle 6.7.1
  • Kotlin 1.5.10

# Examples

The SDK resources can be accessed in the following package.

import net.atos.vcs.realtime.sdk*

# Initialize SDK

The Android Realtime SDK must first be initialized before it can be used. An optional custom logger may be specified by implmenting the LogWriter interface. If a custom logger is not specified (as in this example) a default LogWriter will be used that sends messages to logcat.

RealtimeSdk.initialize(applicationContext, null, LogWriter.LogLevel.DEBUG)

# Join Room

The SessionOptions are used to indicate the resources to be used when joining the room e.g., join a room with audio only by setting the video properties false. In this example Test user is joining the room using both audio and HD video.

val options = SessionOptions(
    host = "https://<vcs-domain>/websocket/realtime/websocket", 
    audio = true, 
    video = true, 
    name = "Test User", 
    hdVideo = true)

RealtimeSdk.joinRoom(<token>, options, <RealtimeSdkListener>)

# Don't ask for camera/mic until other participant(s) joined

options.delayLocalStream = true

RealtimeSdk.joinRoom(<token>, options, <RealtimeSdkListener>)

# Display local mediaStream

val localView: MediaStreamVideoView = binding.localView
localView.init(RealtimeSdk.getRootEglContext(), null)

// Note: the SDK will handle mediaStream changes

# Display remote mediaStream

room.remoteParticipants().forEach { participant ->
    inflater?.inflate(R.layout.remote_view, null)?.let { remoteView ->                
        remoteView.init(RealtimeSdk.getRootEglContext(), null)
        // Add remoteView to you UI layout
        . . .

# Mute/unmute

// Toggle the microphone mute status
// Returns true if the client is muted
val isMuted = room.toggleMute()

# Switch camera

Switch between the front and back camera for local video.


# Toggle video


# Toggle audio

toggleAudio will add or remove an audio MediaStreamTrack in the local MediaStream. This is different from toggleMute, which simply enables/disables the existing audio track.


# Leave the Room


# Logging

A custom logger that implements the LogWriter interface can be passed to the SDK during initialization. If a custom logger is not specifed, as in the example below, a default logger will log to Logcat. The log level can also be specified; the default is INFO.

RealtimeSdk.initialize(applicationContext, null, LogWriter.LogLevel.DEBUG)